蓝眼淚是一種在海底生存的微生物,在科学上被称为生物发光浮游植物。这些浮游生物发出的蓝光是细菌对任何类型的压力或张力变化(如波浪) 的反应。 而數量一多就會滿滿地在海上,經由波浪的擾動,夜光蟲才會出現光芒,環境的影響也會改變它的亮度比如說下雨或者有月光 。
The "blue tears" is actually a chemical reaction caused by the sea sparkles, The sea sparkle is an one-celled organism that emits a chemical called bioluminescence in turbulent water, which explains why the sea can radiate bluish light when people lap the wave,As long as the number of blue tears will be full in the sea, through the wave disturbance, blue tears will appear light. Environmental influences can also change its brightness such as rain or moonlight.